
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Book Of Janaza

The Book of Janaa’iz (Funeral Rites)
Pray before you die'
• Transition from this world to the next – important to perform good deeds

[192] The Prophet (r) said: “Prompt your dying ones to say, 'There is no one worthy of worship except Allah (laa ilaaha illallaah).” [Muslim]

[193] And also: “Read 'Surah Yaaseen' over your dead.” [An-Nasaa’i, Abu Dawud]

• “Dead” refers to those who are in the period of transition from this life to the next

• Sura Yaseen has in it lessons of reality of people. Read on the one who is on their death bed, in that transition period. (however this hadeeth weak, and should not be practised upon)

[194] To prepare the dead (for burial) by washing him, shrouding him, praying Salaah over him, carrying him to his burial place and burying him is a Fardh Kifayah (collective obligation).

• If someone in the community do it – the obligation is lifted

[195] The Prophet (r) said: “Hasten with the bier for if is the deceased was righteous, then you would be expediting it to the goodness that awaits, and if he was otherwise, then you would be ridding yourselves of an evil burden.” [al-Bukhari]

• Benefits to both the person who pass away (to go to goodness) and to us – the rest of the people can go on with their lives

[196] And also: “The believers soul is suspended due to debt until it is cleared for him.” [Ahmad, at-Tirmdhi]

• This refers to the dead person, he is responsible for this debt. It is important to pay off debts immediately before death. The P (s) never used to pray on the one who had debts.

[197] It is obligatory when shrouding to use a cloth that will cover the entire body, except for the head of the Muhrim (the male person in the state of Ihram) and the face of the Muhrimah (the female person in the state of Ihram).

[198] The description of the Salaah over the deceased is as follows:

• Because Salatul Janaza is Fard kifaya – the person who offer it must stand to offer it (like other wajib salah)

[1] - To stand and make the Takbeer and recite Surah al-Faatihah

[2] - Then to make another Takbeer and send peace and blessings upon the Prophet (r).

[3] - Then to make another Takbeer and supplicate for the deceased.

• The supplication in salatul Janaza could be in any language –

This supplication is done, for example, by saying: “O Allah, forgive our living, our dead, our young, our elderly, our males and our females, those of us who are present and those who are absent. O Allah, whosoever among us You keep living, make him live upon Islam, and whosoever You cause to die, let him die in a state of Islaam.”

(Allaahummagh-firlee hayyinna wa mayyitina, wa sagheerina wa wa kabeerina, wa shaahidina wa

ghaa’ibina, wa dhakarina wa unthaana. Allaahuma man ahyaytahu minna fa ahyihi ‘ala’l Islaam, wa man tawaffayathu, fa tawaffihi ala’l eeman.)

Or: “O Allah, forgive him, have mercy upon him, excuse him, pardon him, and make honourable his reception; (O Allah) make wide his entrance, cleanse him with water, snow and ice, and purify him of sin as a white robe is purified of filth.”

(Allaahumagh-firlahu war-hamhu wa ‘aafihi, wa’fu ‘anhu, wa akrim nuzulahu, wa waasi’ adkhalahu, waghsilhu bil-maa’i wath-thalji wal barad, wa-naqqihi min adhdhunoobi kama yunuqqaa ath-thawbu’l abyadhu min addannas.)

Or: “O Allah, do not deprive us of his reward, do not put us to trial after his death and forgive him and us.” (Allaahumma la tahrimna ajrahu wa la taftinna ba’dahu, wagh-fir lanaa wa lahu.)

If the deceased is a minor, one should say after the general supplication: “O Allah, make him for his parents a forerunner, a treasure and an admonition, an honour, and an intercessor; cause him to make their scales of deeds heavier (on the Day of Reckoning) and their reward greater, place him under the custodianship of Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him), and save him – by your mercy - from the punishment of the fire.”

(Allaahuma’j ‘alhu furutan liwaalidayhi wa dhukran wa shafee’an mujaaban. Allaahumu thaqqil bihi

mawaazeenahumma wa ‘adhin bihi ujoorahumma wa’j ‘alhu fee kifaalati Ibraaheema, wa qihi – bi rahmatika –‘athaab al-jaheem.)

[199] - Then, one makes another Takbeer and then a Tasleem (to complete the prayer).

[200] The Prophet (r) said: “Whenever a Muslim dies, and forty men pray over his janaazah, none of them joining anything with Allah in worship, Allah grants them intercession for him” [Muslim]

• It is good to have a large number of people to offer the salah - more supplication for the dead person and more people to offer their sympathy to the relatives of the dead person

[201] And also: “Whoever attends the funeral until the Salah is prayed (over the deceased), will have a Qirat worth of reward, and whoever attends (and stays) until till he is buried, for him is the reward of two qirats.” It was asked: “What are two qirats?” He (s) replied: “They are equivalent to two immense mountains.” [Agreed Upon]

• The qirat is One of the 24 activities that relate to the dead person

[202] Also, the Messenger of Allah (s): “Forbade [1] that graves be plastered, [2] or be sat upon, [3] or be built over.” [Muslim]

• We don’t want people to be burden themselves with the rituals of the dead. So we should not be extravagant. We must be respectful to graves – not stand nor sit, nor build structures over them

[203] When the Prophet (r) would finish the burial, he would stand at the grave and say: “Seek forgiveness for your brother and pray for his steadfastness, for he is now being questioned.” [Abu

Dawud, authenticated by al-Hakim]

[204] It is recommended to console the relatives of the deceased.

• Taaziat – console, lots of rewards, eases the difficulties of the families, by making dua, telling them of the great reward that awaits the dead person.

[205] The Prophet (r) cried for the dead and said: “This is mercy,” although

• Know that crying does not benefit the person that pass away, it is part of our natural make up to cry, that’s why the P (s) himself cried when his some members of his family member pass away

[206] he cursed the female wailers and the women who listen to their wailing.

• In sunnah – the dead is punished b/c of the crying of relatives, how do we join between this hadith and the hadith stating that the Prophet SAW cried when some family members passed away?

• What is the difference between this crying and the crying of the P(s)?. If the crying – is made to be known to the dead, then the dead feels the pain, and does not mean they are physical punishment

• In this wailing – loud screaming – no benefit to dead person – P (s) prevented this

[207] Also, he (s) said: “Visit the graves, for they remind (you) of the Hereafter.” [Muslim]

• Procedures – we look at this carefully – easy procedure

• Sharia prevents us from mass gathering at the homes of person who pass, or to set up for the gathering of people at the home

• Wisdom to visit graves – we remember the hereafter and we make dua for those who pass away

[208] The one visiting the grave should say: “Peace be upon you all, O inhabitants of the abodes of the believers. Indeed we will, Allah willing, be joining you. May Allah have mercy upon those who went before us and those coming after; We ask Allah for wellbeing for us and for you. O Allah, do not deny us from their reward and do not put us to trial after them and forgive us and them. We ask Allah wellbeing for us and for you.”

It is not permissible

And :

• for one to supplicate for himself, whoever does this is going away from the sunnah – a bidah

• Impermissible – to seek and ask from the dead person - doing so is shirk.

• No one should supplicate to other than Allah. The most misguided – the one who does so. Remember the one who is asked (the dead) cannot hear nor benefit you.

Allah Almighty said:

وَأَنَّ ٱلۡمَسَـٰجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلَا تَدۡعُواْ مَعَ ٱللَّهِ أَحَدً۬ا

‘Wa annal masaajida lillah; fala tad'u ma'a Allahi ahada”

Verily, the mosques are for Allah (Alone), so do not pray to anyone along with Allah. [Jinn:18]

وَمَنۡ أَضَلُّ مِمَّن يَدۡعُواْ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مَن لَّا يَسۡتَجِيبُ لَهُ ۥۤ إِلَىٰ يَوۡمِ ٱلۡقِيَـٰمَةِ وَهُمۡ عَن دُعَآٮِٕهِمۡ غَـٰفِلُونَ

waman adhallu mimman yad'uu min duunillaahi man laa yastajiibu lahu ilaa yawmi lqiyaamati wahum 'an du'aa-ihim ghaafiluun.

“And who is further astray than those who, instead of Allah, pray unto such as hear not their prayer until the Day of Resurrection, and are unconscious of their prayer,” [46:5]

(Assalaamu ‘alaykum ahla qawni daari mu’mineen, wa innaa – in shaa allahu – bikum laahiqoon; wa yarhamuhullaahu almustaqdimeen wa’l musta’khireen; nas’alulaaha lana wa lakum al-‘aafiyah. Allaahumma laa tahrimna ajrahum wa laa tafteena ba’dahum, waghfir lanaa wa lahum; as’alullaaha lana wa lakum al-‘aafiyah.)

[209] And any good deed that is a means of nearness to Allah and whose reward can be gifted to the deceased should be performed, as this would benefit him. And Allah knows best.

• Giving ur rewards to dead – is this permissible or not?

• Ulama agrre – hajj umrah,. Sadaqa – allow to pass on the rewards to the dead

• In regards to other actions – read salah – nafil fast – pass to dead, there are 2 opinions:

1. It is allowed – shafi, ahmad and the author

2. Not allowed – unless the sharia stipulates the permissibility – opinion of Abu Haneefa, Malik This is the preferred opinion because these are acts of Ibadah. For acts of ibadah – one must have evidence before its allowed (i.e pass on reward to dead)

• When you visit the graveyard – there are certain ways of sending greeting to those who pass away; it should include the Salam and a dua supplication for the dead – if these 2 are present then the action is ok.

My Questions

1. Is it considered Husno khatim that a person recites Suran Yasin before he dies?

2. Salatul Janaza has one or 2 tasleems? I was at the haram (Makkah) where the Imam did only one tasleem

3. Can you pray one Salatul Janaza for 2 or 3 people, or is it one salah per person?

4. In what situations can you pray salatul Janaza in absence of the mayyat?

5. How is the crying of relatives made know to dead?

Questions & Answers

1. f a sister is out and about – can she join her prayers? It is not necessary for her to pray in congregation, thus she must read all the obligatory prayers at their fixed times. She must just look for a clean place to pray wherever she is.

2. Student in university – cant pray jumuah due to conflict with class. Salatul jumuah is wajib – ask for permission from university, or exchange classes for that time. It is waajib for you to pray salatul Jumuah unless you have an excuse, and this is not an excuse.

3. Post partam bleeding – sister do not offer the salah during this time nor does she make up for these missed salah

4. Traveller who is able to fast, should he fast? Will deal with this in a later session

5. Invocation to recite after takbeer ihram. If a person does not know this dua, they can write on paper and read it – no problem. It does not affect salah if one leaves it out

6. Salatul eid – can sister render eid salah at home? Ok but reward is less , better to render in congregation

7. Qibla – not know where it is. Try to figure out where it is from the sun, moon, compass, then pray in that direction, your salah is correct even if you find out afterwards it was the wrong direction. Important to do your best.

8. What are the rituals for a child who passes away at 8mths old? He must be washed and shrouded as a regular mayyat because he has a soul.

9. How long can you console the bereaved relatives? This can happen when you meet, in salah, at home. Some ulama says 3 days. ((No person should mourn more than 3 days except the wife- for 4 mths, 10 days)) or as mentioned in the hadith.

10. Is it permissible to follow the dead body (funeral procession) when they are saying invocations that are not from the sharia? Ok but hate it – change it with his tongue, speak nicely to them. Follow it with the intention to educate and inform the family (in a nice way)- but if you are a person of authority, then you cannot join that gathering unless you are putting a stop to the mistake and bid'ah.

11. Can a husband shroud and wash body of wife? Yes, its allowed, but not allowed to look at the private parts, washing is done under a screen – sheet. And vice versa.

12. Is it permissible to recite Quran in the grave yard? No, it is not the practise of P (s)

13. Is it permissible to make supplication in congregation, that which is done after the person is buried? No. It is better to supplicate by yourself – Allah hears your prayers

14. What is the ruling of raising your hand to make dua? There are 2 opinions: 1st: allowed, 2nd not allowed as it is not from the conditions of dua to raise your hand, and if our Prophet SAW did it, we would have been informed.

15. is it ok to pray tahhajud after praying taraweh salah during the night? Yes no problem

16. The issue that the hadith saying to recite sura yaseen before the person passes away, hadith is weak – however the opinion of the author is that its ok to recite sura yaseen. We are of the opinion that this hadith is weak – so better not to practise on this hadith.

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