
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pillars of Islam

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. First part of shahaah, This actually means the actual unity of Allahu Subhanawatala

when we worship Him, each and every one should make sure that they worship Him

alone with complete sense unity – worship should be only for Allah, nobody else.

􀂾 Factors for the worship to be correct              

1. Al Muhabbah li maabood - Love for the one worshipping i.e. for Allah in the

complete sense – walladeena amanu ashaddu hubban lillah -

2. Al Khudoo – being humble in your worship of Allah, WORSHIP MEANS to humble


3. Al Khouf - Wa khafooni inkuntum momineen. FEAR ME IF YOU ARE BELEIVER.


4. Ar Raja – having hope in Allah to be saved from the punishment of Allah.

2nd part of Shahadah: anna muhammadan rasoolullallah. Another 4 aspects.

a. Believing everything that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam came with.

b. Following everything that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam commanded us to


c. Loving Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and giving precedence to his love over

and above the love for yourself, parents and everything in existence and all of

mankind in existence.

d. Don’t worship Allah except in the manner Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

taught us to worship Allah.

2. Second Pillar Salah

Requirement for Salah is Taharah, is being in a state of ritual purity. Allah will not accept

the salah of a person who is not in a state of ritual purity. There are two things that

prevent one’s salah from being correct and complete – one is hadath al akber and hadith

al asgar.

a) Hadath al akber – greater state and stage of ritual impurity:

􀂾 Sexual intercourse with their spouse - junoob

􀂾 Women in Menses – monthly periods - haid

􀂾 Women experiencing Post partum bleeding – post birth bleeding – nifas

Note: Continuous bleeding though out the month experience by some women, has to

make fresh wudu for each obligatory prayer, and then she can pray sunnah or nafil salah

or read quran till other obligatory salah.

All these things dictate that you wash your entire body, you do ghusl.

b) Hadith al asgar – lighter state of ritual impurity.

􀂾 Urination

􀂾 Going to bathroom to relieve etc.

􀂾 Gases leak

Just wash the external limbs and perform wudu – no need to wash the entire body.

Water – two types mentioned by author but the shaik is going to mention 3 types.

a) Tahoor - Water in and itself is clean and makes others clean – perform wudu

b) Mixed with some impure substance – can’t be used for wudu

c) Mixed with some pure substance. Water which is clean but not as first cater gory,

mixed with something which is clean like vinegar, tea … etc.

Small amount of microbe impurities does not make the water impure.

Principle rule of Shariah: Everything is pure and permissible unless stated otherwise. If

there is no evidence to prove the najasah, then it is clean and pure.

Somebody doubts whether his water or clothing are physically pure or not, then one

should follow the above rule.

Shak – doubt: Doubting between two equal factors 50% - 50% but not doubting with

60% – 40% or some other unequal percentage.

Utensils (al aniyah) – should follow the above rule, except for the utensils made of silver

and gold as mentioned in the hadith in text book. Reason for this because

􀂾 it makes one to feel proud,

􀂾 a sort of arrogance,

􀂾 feeds the ego,

􀂾 feels they are above others,

􀂾 makes the poor feel jealous.

Manners of answering the call of nature: practice of relieving yourself. ie., going to

toilet, washroom to relieve yourself.

1. make dua before entering the toilet to be protected from male and female jinn, even

someone entering the toilet to wash the cloths.

2. after leaving toilet, recite the prayer ghufranak (I seek your forgiveness) found in

authentic hadith. Another dua alhamdullahillazi ad’haba … – praise be to Allah who

protected me from harm … this dua was mentioned in sunan, many ulemah said it is

weak, it is not so authentic, so just saying ghufranak is enough.

3. Relieving in open areas – be away from people and make sure no one sees his/her

private parts.

4. Not permissible in important place where people travel such as road, people sits.. it

harms the people by relieving at such places.

One should not relieve facing/back facing Qiblah while in open area. But using toilets

inside a building this rule does not apply, because Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi

wasallam relieved while facing kabah and baitul maqdis.

5. Clean with 3 stones or with toilet paper or tissue the affected area. But should be

dunk and bones should not be used to clean. Papers with important papers such as

money, documents and sacred texts, paper with names on it also should not be used.

Types of physical impurities and how to remove them.

1. If a dog licks any of the utensils, then supposed to wash 7 times, one of it should be

with dirt. This hadith is specific to the case if the dog licks. But if the saliva fell down

on cloths, then just washing that part one time is enough. Can we substitute soap or

shampoo instead of dirt – ulemah differed.

2. Blood spilled out / poured when sacrificed an animal: impure and haraam it is not

permitted to use. But the blood remains in flesh/muscles and veins is pure. It is

permissible to use it.

3. Wild animals: all impure – those hunt and eat them.

4. All dead animals: all impure except those which were slaughtered, fish and locust.

5. Mani Sperm: pure – which comes out of men due to sexual desire, in arosed

condition, comes out with force.

wadi – light fluid – come out from men sometimes after urination

madi – thick sticky fluid – comes out sometimes when carrying heavy things and

sometimes after performing wudu…

6. Urine of a baby boy who does not eat food out of desire: if fell down on clothes, just

sprinkle that part is enough. In case of a boy who eat food with desire, full wash of

that part is required. This rule does not include infant girl – it has to be washed in

case of infant girl.

7. Removing the physical impurity: if blood fells down on clothes, by washing its

presence, hard part is removed, still some shade is on the cloth, it becomes clean and


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