
Saturday, July 31, 2010


Call ,talk & share with Alah(SWT)
Lecture 5
Chapter: Voluntary Salaah.
[125] The most confirmed of these is the Prayer of Kusuf (solareclipse) as the Prophet (s) prayed this and requested others to do so.

Hanbali ulama opinion – salah kusuf is mustahab, recommended
Other ulama opinion - fard kifayah – if a group of people from the community offer this salah, the obligation is lifted from the rest.

[126] This Salah is prayed according to the description given in the Hadith of A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) where she stated that: “The Prophet (s) read aloud in the solar-eclipse prayer. He prayed four Rak’ahs in two (units of prayer) and with four prostrations.” [Agreed Upon]

• The how – Abu Haneefa’s view is that it should be prayed exactly as salatul fajr

• According to other Imams: 4 raka’hs, with 2 bowings – go in ruku, then go back up, read fatiha, sura, then ruku, then stand up – then go in sujood

The Witr Prayer

[127] The Witr Salah is a Stressed Sunnah; the Prophet (s) maintained the performance of this whether he was a resident or traveller and encouraged the people to pray it.

[128] the least number of Rak’ahs for this prayer is a single Rak’ah and the

[129] most is eleven.

[130] The time that Witr should be prayed is from the time of ‘Isha’ until the time for Fajr.

[131] It is preferable that this be the final Salah of the day as the Prophet (s) said: “Make your final Salah of the night Witr.” [Agreed Upon] Also, the Prophet (s) said

[132]: “If anyone is afraid that he may not get up in the latter part of the night, he should observe Witr in the first part of it; and if anyone is eager to get up in the last part of it, he should observe Witr at the end of the night, for prayer at the end of the night is witnessed (by the angels) – and that is preferable.” [Muslim]

• Salatul Witr - Sunnah mu’akidah – according to majority of scholars- can make it up in the morning (shaf’an) – it should be done in an even number, not as odd number rakaahs

• Abu haneefa’s opinion - wajib

The ‘Rain Prayer’ (Salaatul Istisqaa’)

[133] The Istisqaa’ Salah is also Sunnah when people are in despair due to lack of rainfall and [134] is prayed like the ‘Eid Salaah outdoors. 1st rakaat - 7 takbeers, (takbeer ihram plus 6 takbeers) then in 2nd rakaah, 5 takbeers (this is according to the preferred view)

[135] People should proceed to it anxiously, quietly and in humility.

[136] It consists of two-Rak’ah, followed thereafter by

[137] a single Khutbah (sermon), during which forgiveness is sought in abundance along with the recitation of Qur’aanic verses that command towards seeking forgiveness, and a prolonged supplication.

• Some imams are of the opinion that its one khutbah, others say 2 khutbas that is performed after this salah

One should not act in haste with regards to this dua being answered.

[138] It is incumbent before going out to offer this Salaah to perform that which guards against evil and invites mercy such as:

1. seeking the forgiveness of Allah,

2. repentance,

3. giving up oppression, (giving people their rights)

4. benevolence to others, (being good to people)

5. and other acts which Allah has made a means of earning His mercy and (a means for) protection against calamity.

• This salah has No association with what the meteorologist (those who study weather patterns) say

The times in which it is prohibited to pray

[139] The times at which any superogatory prayers are forbidden are

[1] from Fajr until the sun has risen in the sky to the height of a spear; (no salah except for the 2 sunnah for fajr and two fard rakaahs of fajr)

[2] from the ‘Asr prayer until the Maghrib prayer, and from

[3] when the sun is at its zenith until it moves off from there.

And Allah knows best.

• What prayers are allowed/not allowed during the prohibited times?

• Not allowed the general voluntary salah

• Allowed to pray tahiyatul masjid and the like during this time 9those salaah with a valid reason attached to them)

Chapter: Congregational Salaah and the Imam

• Salatul Jama is from those aspects that are advised – “bow down with those who bow down” Quran: Baqara

• The least amount of people that makes up a congregation is two.

• If he observe by himself – then he find a congregation, it is mustahab for him to join jamah in congregation

[140] The performance of the five daily prayers in congregation is an individual obligation upon men, whether resident or travelling. The Prophet (s) said: “I certainly intended to order somebody to pronounce the Iqaamah (immediate call) of the (compulsory congregational) prayer, then order a man to lead the Salah (in my absence), then set off with some men carrying bundles of firewood to those who did not attend the (congregational)

prayer and burn down their houses over them." [Agreed Upon]

[141] The smallest congregation consists of an Imam and a follower,

[142] and the larger the congregation, the more beloved it is to Allah.

[143] The Prophet (s) said: “The congregational prayer is twenty-seven times better than the prayer of a person prayed individually”[Agreed Upon]

[144] The Prophet (s) also said: “If you had prayed whilst travelling and then approached a congregational prayer in a mosque, then pray with them, for it will be considered a

superogatory prayer.” [Ahl As-Sunan]

[145] Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that

(the Prophet (s) said): “The Imam is there to be followed, so if he makes a Takbeer (i.e., says ‘Allahu akbar’) then make a Takbeer, and do not make the Takbeer before he does; if he

bows, then bow and do not do so before he does; if he says: ‘Allah listens to him who praises Him,’ then say: ‘Our Lord, for you is all praise’; when he prostrates, then prostrate, and do not

do so until he does, meaning, do not bow before him.” Then, he (s) said: “If he (the Imam) prays sitting, then (all of you) should pray sitting.” [Abu Dawud]

• From the outset, the follower HAS to follow the Imam after the Imam performs the action.

Who should lead the salah?

[146] The Prophet (s) also said: “The one who is most versed in the Book of Allaah should lead the group in prayer, but If they (i.e., two men) are equally versed in reciting it, then the one

who is most knowledgeable regarding Sunnah (should lead), and if they are equal regarding the Sunnah, then the earliest one to emigrate; if they emigrated at the same time, then the

earliest one to embrace Islam. No man must lead another in prayer where (the latter) has authority, or sit in his place of honour in his house, without his permission.” [Muslim]

Shakyh explains who should lead the salah:

1. The one with most knowledge – of book of Allah - memorize quran

2. If two people are equal in Quran – we look at more knowledge in regards to sunnah

3. Person of authority – owner of house, qadi (judge) , imam of masjid is present, imam of entire community has the priority in the case of their presence or if a dispute arises)

[147] It is incumbent,

[1] that the Imam be at the front and,

[2] the followers stand close to one another (in each row), and that,

[3] the rows are completed one by one.

[148] Whoever prays a Rak’ah alone behind a row, without an excuse, should repeat his Salaah.

[149] Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I prayed with the Prophet (s) one night and stood on his left, so he held me by my head and moved me to his right.” [Agreed Upon]

• Complete the row in succession – complete one row before starting the next row

• There is no salah for individual behind a row.

1. Imam Ahmad is of the view that a person who prays his salah behind the row (by himself), his salah is not accepted.

2. Majority of imams – the salah is correct, saheeh, but the reward for salah is less.

• The 1st view is the preferred view – b/c it coincides with the evidence

[150] The Prophet (s) said: “When you hear the Iqaamah (immediate call to prayer), proceed to offer the prayer with calmness and solemnity and do not make haste. And pray

whatever you are able to pray (with the Imam) and complete whatever you have missed.” [Agreed Upon]

• Be In state of contentment when in Masjid

[151] And also, as stated in At-Tirmidhi: “If any of you approaches the prayer and finds the Imam in a certain position, then he should perform whatever the Imam is performing”

• General principle when you enter the masjid - join the imam in the same position the imam is in.

Questions & Answers

1. Should I do sahw sajda if I say the incorrect invocation in Ruku & sujood; say “subhan rabbiyal ala” in ruku, and “subhan do u do sahu sujood? It is from the Verbal obligation – does not constitute the necessity of sahu as sajda

2. Is Salatul jama – wajib, or mu’akidah? It is (1) view obligatory – bow down with those who bow down – compulsion on men not women, 2nd view sunnah – this means that a person is not sinful if leave off once or twice. The 1st view is preferred b/c it coincides with the evidences

3. That which can be observed in the prohibited times. Salatul fajr – when adhan of fajr is said – no other salah is allowed except salatul fajr. P (s) said “there is no salah after Fajr”. However there is an exception to the rule. There are those salawat that have a specific reason attached to it. For example, thiyyatul masjid.

4. Those actions that are disliked in your salah are mentioned in your notes

5. What is the salah with the 2 bowing? It is the salah at the time of the eclipse.

6. In Female congregation, where does the leader stand? The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that she stands in the middle of the row

7. What is the view on rendering your salah behind the row, in seclusion – praying by yourself? The most correct view is, that salah is not correct, because the P (s) said , there is no salah for an individual behind in a row. There is a another opinion, but this opinion is preferred because of the evidences

8. What do you do if you enter the masjid and the Imam is in ruku, do they have to recite sura fatiha? You join the Imam in the same position the imam is in, join him in ruku because the P (s) that “if the imam bow down in ruku, then bow down with him”

9. How do you join the Imam if you are late for your salah? First you join by saying the tahreem – “alahu akbar”, then go into the position of the Imam. The P (s) said “the salah began with the tahreem, and the tahreem is to say “alahu akbar”.

Questions from the beginning of Lecture 6

10. Should Salatul kusoof be recited aloud? The shakyh said that according to the correct view it should be recited aloud

11. The Takbeer of Salatul istisqa is like the eid salah - so author did not delve into it.

12. Are you allowed to make up missed obligatory prayers during the forbidden time? Yes, it is allowed, because the P (s) said, “the person who sleeps or who forget to render the salah, then they should immediately make up their salah as soon as they remember”

13. When should one say Sura Fatiha when following the Imam? It should be read during the pauses of the imam.

14. What is the difference between Salatul surook and Salatul Duha? When the salah is observed at the beginning of its time, it is called salatul shurook or salatul Duha, and if rendered at the end of its time, it is called Salatul Duha.

15. The issue of the husband not going to the masjid for jama salah. It is upon the wife to remind him, and make apparent to him, the benevolence of going for jama. By doing so her obligation is lifted and she is not held responsible if he does not go to the masjid.

16. Salatul tasbeh during Ramadan nights – the ulama differed – for authenticity. According to us the evidences are weak. We do not view the permissibility of salatul tasbeh is, not once nor during the month of Ramadan

17. Do women get the same reward as men to render their salah in congregation? It is better for the women to render their salah in their homes. Because the P (s) said, “the best of the salawat is the ones rendered in their homes”

18. Is it allowed to say bismila before starting wudu if you are not on the awrah? It was reported that the P (s) said “bismilla” before he started the wudu, so it is allowed.

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