
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Salah & prostrations

Lecture 4

Iyyaka naAAbudu wa-iyyaka nastaAAeen
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.Add caption
Yawmal Jumuah is a day of Eid for us. The Prophet (s) said: “The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he was expelled (from Paradise), on it his contrition was accepted, on it he died, and on it the Last Hour will take place.” [Abu Dawud]

He mentioned the importance in making duas on Friday. Narated By Jabir ibnAbdullah :The Prophet (pbuh) said: Friday is divided into twelve hours. Amongst them there is an hour in which a Muslim does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him. So seek it in the last hour after the afternoon prayer.


Dua is a sign of iman. It is the noble act of worship. Allah says, Make dua to me, I will respond. Allah answers your dua in different ways – He would accept it immediately, or not grant your dua but remove a calamity, or delay your dua and reserve it for the day of Qiyama. Never lose hope in Allah and avoid saying that Allah did not accept my dua .

Chapter: The Prostrations of Forgetfulness, Recitation, andGratitude,

Prostrations are 3: Forgetfulness(Sahu), Recitation (Tilaawa), and Gratitude (Shukr),

[118] Sahw Sajda is necessary:

1. When a person forgetfully adds (i.e the presence of excess by mistake) but if u add something intentionally – the salah becomes invalid – you have to repeat it

2. Misses out in his Salaaha bowing, or a prostration, or a standing, or a sitting. In these cases, he or she would have to perform the prostration of Sahw(forgetfulness).So, If u leave out a sunnah – do not perform sahwsajda, but if u leave a wajib ( 1sttashahud in salah) – u perform sahwsajdah, and if you leave out a rukn, you also do sahw, but after making up the unit of prayer that the rukn was missed in.

3. It is also to be performed if one of the obligatory actions of Salah is missed forgetfully. And this has two scenarios- 1. If you are in doubt but lean towards one of the two thoughts,or 2. Ifyou doubt and have no idea which of the two thoughts are correct. In the second scenario, you act upon the lesser amount, i.e. 2 Rak’aat prayed not three. In both scenarios sujood as sahw must be performed. (the sheikh did not delve into the ‘when’of the sujood- and left you with the view of the author stating there is a difference of opinion regarding the matter)

4. If one doubts that he has added or missed any of the abovementioned acts.

- It is affirmed from the Prophet (s) that he once missed out the first Tashahhud and thus performed the prostration ofSahw.

- Also, he (s) once made the Tasleem after having prayed two Rak’ahs for Dhuhror ‘Asr, and then realized what he had done, and therefore completed them and performed the prostration of Sahw.

- Also, he (s) once prayed Dhuhras five Rak’ahs. He was asked: “Have you increased the Salah?” He (s) said: “What makes you say that?” He(s) was told: “You prayed five.” He therefore prostrated twice, havingalready done the Tasleem. [Agreed Upon]

The Prophet (s) said: “If any one of you is in doubt about hisprayer and he does not know how much he has prayed, whetherit is three or four (Rak'ahs), then he should cast aside his doubtand consider having prayed (the number) that he is certain of,then perform two prostrations before making the Tasleem. If hehas prayed five Rak'ahs, then these will make his prayer aneven number for him, and if he has indeed prayed four, thenthey will be humiliation for the devil.” [Muslim]

[119] The one performing the prostration of Sahwcan do so beforeor after the Tasleem. (There is a difference of opinion – Specific circumstances before or after tasleem)

The Prostration of Tilaawah (Recitation)

[120] The prostration of Tilaawah(recitation) is recommended(Sunnah) for the person reciting (the Qur’an) as well as the onelistening (to the recitation) both,

• During the Salaah(do takbeer then sajda)

• Out of Salaah(not required to say the takbeer).

• Some ulamaa say sijda at-tilaawah occurs 14 places in Quran, other say 15.

• Make sajda after reciting the verse. In sajda say “subhanrabbiyal ‘ala” – 3 to 10 times.

Who are those that prostrate?

• The reciter

• The listener with intent – the one who is listening and pondering over its meaning, not the one who passes by and hear the Quran recited, or hears it in the background – but not listening to it.

• NOTE: when the son of Adam prostrate, shaitan goes into seclusion and says “woe to me”. I (Shaitan) was commanded to make sujood but did not, and the son of Adam was commanded to and did.

The Prostration of Gratitude (Shukr)

[121] If a person is bestowed with a blessing or has been saved froma calamity; he should prostrate to Allah in gratitude,

[122] and theruling for this prostration is the same as that of the prostration ofTilaawah.

Chapter: That Which Invalidates the Salah and the Disliked Actions Within It.

That which invalidates Salaah

[123] The Salaahis rendered invalid

1. By the non-performance of any of its pillars or pre-conditions, whilst a person is able to perform them, irrelevant of whether this is done intentionally, in forgetfulness, or in ignorance.

2. By intentionally leaving an obligatory act of the Salah, or by,

3. Intentionally speaking during the Salah.

4. Loud laughter or what custom would consider laughter,

5. Excessive and continuous unnecessary movement.( salah breaks due to movement that is: excessive, continuous, and movement for no apparent reason)

6. Eating and drinking – break salah

This is because, in the former case, there is an omission of an integral part of the Salah, without which it will be incomplete, and in the latter cases; because of doing that which is forbidden.

[124] That which is disliked during Salaah

It is disliked in the Salaah that the person

[1] Turns - iltifaat (his/her body), asthe Prophet (s) was asked about turning in Salah, and he replied: “Itis what Satan steals from the prayer of the slave.” [al-Bukhari]. Two types – complete turning (back face qibla, or incomplete turning – this is disliked- and does not invalidate one’ salaah

[2] Fidgeting – doing that which has no need nor benefit,

[3] Placing the hands on the hips,

[4] Interlacing the fingers,

[5] Cracking of the knuckles,

[6] Sitting in amanner like a dog does,

[7] Facing something that would distractone’s attention, and

[8] Engaging the heart in other matters. – when you make your heart busy with the affairs of duniyah.

To overcome this

• Purify your intention

• Understand what you are doing

• Think that you are actually speaking with Allah

• Contemplate and ponder on what is said

• Stay away from that which distract your heart

• Seek protection in Allah from distraction

- Our shariah takes pride in ensuring distracting factors are not present when praying,especially since a person is confiding when he stands infront of Allah.

- And our shariah takes pride in protecting us from imitating animals.

This engagement may be in fighting the urge to answer the call of nature, or due to the presence of served food. In this regard, the Prophet (s) said: “Nobody should pray when food is served nor

when one needs to answer the call of nature.” [Muslim]

• use the bathroom and eat the food (if you have a desire to do so) before the salah, or else your heart will be preoccupied with these thoughts

NOTE: if these disliked things are in your salah – salah is ok – do not repeat salah

Also, the Prophet (s) [9] forbade that a man spread his forearms onthe ground while prostrating.

Questions & Answer

1. Q. What does the follower of Imam do – if the imam makes a mistake? A. If the Imam leaves out a pillar of salah, or add a pillar, or miss a unit of prayer, you should not follow the Imam but say “subhan Allah” but if the imam forgets the first sitting, you follow him as he left a waajib.

2. If you memorizing a sura that has sajda tilawaa, and have to repeat it over and over do you make sajda tilaawa everytime? A. sajdatilaawa is mutahab, So its ok to make sajda once

3. Do we need to have wudu to perform sajda tilaawa? A. madhab of 4 imam – must have wudu, 2nd opinion of ibn Umar, this sujood does not constitute salah therefore it can be done without wudu

4. Is it ok to say “Jummah Mubarak” . This is permissible – no problem saying this

5. Salatul Janaza – someone forgets something, does he do sajood as sahw?. A. there is no sujood as sahw in Janaza

6. How many sujoods for sujood asahw and for sujood at-tilaawa? A. Sujood as-sawh – there is 2 sujoods, in sujood tilaawa – one sujood

7. Whilst a person was observing the salah in front the glass door, a person passed in front of glass door, does this break the salah? A. does not break the salah b/c the glass door is a valid screen

8. Repeating /repetition in salah if someone feels certain deficiencies in it. This is not from the good practise in one’s salah whether it be quran or invocations

9. When is it permissible to join the prayers. If It is among the factors that constitute the permissibility of join prayers, travel and the other factors that the fukaha has mentioned

10. A person doubting if they recite sura fatiha. There are 2 scenarios: (1) if it is before u go in next pillar , then recite it, (2) if you are in ruku – do not give in to whisper to shaitan, ignore this, continue your salah

11. Make dua whilst in the position of sujood – this is no problem

12. Place of the hand in salah – place right hands over the left, maliki madhab – don’t follow this, however correct opinion is placing right over left…

13. Are you allowed to make sajda tilaawa when one cannot pray (menses)? A. The majority of scholars say not allowed to make sajda

14. Is Sajda tilaawa wajib? A. No, it is mustahab not wajib according to the majority and correct opinion,

15. Can you pray voluntary prayers in sitting in car? A. only ok for those travelling

16. Is it compulsory for one following the imam to Recite Sura fatiha? A. According to Imam shafi – wajib, other imams says its recommended. Shakyh is of the opinion that it is wajib to do so.

17. If I join imam in ruku is my unit of salaah complete? A. Yes, this count as those who got the rakah and can continue praying

18. Can you join the salah of Maghrib & Esha together (if Esha is late in the night)? A. No, if person is praying by himself – cannot do so, use alarm clock to wake u up. The contemporary scholars differed whether this can be done in congregation. But from the outset Salah should be rendered on fixed times

19. If a person joins the salah late what should he do if imam makes sahw sajda? A. He must follow the imam and do sahu sajda. If not when u finish your salah u must do sahw sajda after you completed your missed rakaahs

20. Does a female have to cover her head for sujood tilaawa? A. Two views: 1st that this sajda is considered part of salah – so should cover, 2nd opinion of ibn omar – that its not part of salah – don’t have to cover head. Preferred view is that of ibn Omar.

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