
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Book of Zakat

The Book of Zakaah (Almsgiving)
• Zakaah is from the pillars of Islam:  

Ibn ‘Umar quoted the Messenger of Allaah (r) as saying, “Islaam is built on five [pillars]: the

declaration that there is no god worthy of worship besides Allaah and that Muhammad is the

Messenger of Allaah; establishment of Salaah; payment of Zakaah; Hajj; and fasting Ramadaan. [Bukhari]

• Zakkah literally mean to purify, purify one’s wealth and purify oneself. Allah says:

خُذۡ مِنۡ أَمۡوَٲلِهِمۡ صَدَقَةً۬ تُطَهِّرُهُمۡ وَتُزَكِّيہِم بِہَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيۡهِمۡ‌ۖ إِنَّ صَلَوٰتَكَ سَكَنٌ۬ لَّهُمۡ‌ۗ وَٱللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

“Of their wealth take alms, that so thou mightest purify and sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: and Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth.” [ Sura Tawba, ayah 103]

• By paying out your zakaah you are making an investment in yourself – increase in manifold

وَمَآ ءَاتَيۡتُم مِّن رِّبً۬ا لِّيَرۡبُوَاْ فِىٓ أَمۡوَٲلِ ٱلنَّاسِ فَلَا يَرۡبُواْ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ‌ۖ وَمَآ ءَاتَيۡتُم مِّن زَكَوٰةٍ۬ تُرِيدُونَ وَجۡهَ ٱللَّهِ فَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡمُضۡعِفُونَ

“And whatever you lay out as usury, so that it may increase in the property of men, it shall not increase with Allah; and whatever you give in charity, desiring Allah's pleasure-- it is these (persons) that shall get manifold.” [Sura Rum, ayah 39]

• Hadith –“there is no zakat in wealth until one lunar year is completed” – (Abu Dawood -1573-)

[201] This is obligatory upon:

1. [1] every Muslim who is

2. [2] free and

3. [3] possesses the Nisaab (minimal amount that if possessed; makes Zakaah compulsory).

[211] Zakaah is not obligatory upon one's wealth, until a full lunar year has elapsed since its possession, with the exception of:

• There are two exception to the rule, there is no zakat in wealth until one lunar year is completed:

[1] - What comes out of the ground (i.e. agricultural produce).

• anything harvested from the earth – pay the zakat immediately – on the day of harvest/extraction

[2] - Whatever is produced/earned from one's original assets such as the offspring of livestock

and profits from trade. This is because it's 'hawl' (complete lunar year) is calculated based on the timeline of one's original assets, if it had reached the minimal amount (nisaab)

• If you had the minimal amount that makes you liable to pay zakaah, on January 1st 2009- you 'zakaah financial year' would end the following January. So if the minimal amount was 1000 riyals, but on the 31st of December 2009 you made a profit in a deal and acquired 5000 riyals...thus driving your total assets to 6000 riyals, you are required to pay zakaah on 6000 riyals on January 1st 2010, because the 5000 riyals you made follows the same 'zakaah' timeline as the minimal amount you had the previous year, since that was your original capital. (Please learn financial terminologies)

• Wealth and merchandise – after a complete year of possession; you have to pay zakaah on them if the total amount reaches the nisaab. If your zakaah financial year ends every look at the profits available from the sale of your merchandise, and value your merchandise based on the selling price every January, and pay zakaah on that amount. You do not pay zakaah a year after each sale was made, as this would constitute you paying zakaah everyday of every year.

• The principle is that from the outset, zakaah is not compulsory unless in possession for 1 lunar year [explanation from Sh Sajid]

[212] Zakaah is not applicable except in the following four cases:

[1] - The Sa’imah from cattle (i.e., the offspring of cattle that have grazed independently for a year),

• Sa’imah – refers to those animals that graze freely; cows, camel, goat and sheep,

• those animals you have to feed , do not pay zakat on them

[2] - What comes out of the ground,

• Those that is harvested, weighed and stored.

• Can be stored without chemicals, refrigeration or preservatives

• For example don’t pay zakah on perishable items; oranges and apples

[3] – Treasures,

• Gold and silver, or money you possess

[4] – Merchandise.

• Those goods that you have an intention to sell, whether you display them or not

Zakaah on the 'Sa’ima'h

[213] As for case of the Sa’imah ; then this is based on the Hadith of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), where Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote to him, saying: “This concerns the obligation of Zakah which the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) made obligatory for the Muslims and which Allah commanded His Messenger with:


• This is the minimum amount that you must possess before paying zakaah

Nisab on Saimah

1. Camels

• Camels – 24 or less – sheep are to be paid as zakaah

• For every 5 camels – 1 sheep

• 25 to 35 camels – a 1yr old she camel is paid, if not available, then a 2yr old male camel

• 36 to 45 camels – a 2yr old she-camel,

• 46 to 60 camels – a 3yr old she-camel – fit for breeding

• 61 to75 camels – a 4yr old she-camel whose udders have formed

• 76 to 90 camels – 2 – year old she-camels

• 91 to 120 camels – 2- 3yr old camels – fit for breeding

• More than 120 camels – for every 40 (over 120) – a 2yr old she-camel

• More than 120 camels – for every 50 (over 120) – a 3yr old she-camel fit for breeding

• Have only 4 camels – does not have to pay zakaah (unless he wishes to do so)

…For twenty-four camels or less, sheep are to be paid as Zakaah; for every five camels one sheep is to be paid.. And if there are between twenty-five to thirty-five camels, one 'Bint Makhad ( a one year old she-camel) is to be paid or, in the absence of a one year old she-camel, a 'ibn Laboon' ( a two year old male-camel). From thirtysix to forty-five, one 'bint laboon' (a two year old she-camel) is to be paid. From forty-six to sixty, one 'hiqqah' is to be paid ( a three-year old she-camel fit for breeding). From sixty-one to seventy-five, one 'Jaza'ah' is to be paid ( a four-year old she-camel whose udders have formed). From seventy-six to ninety (camels), two 'bint laboons' (two-year old she-camels) are to be paid. From ninety-one to one hundred and twenty (camels), two 'hiqqahs' ( three-year old she camels fit for breeding) are to be paid. If there are more than one hundred and twenty (camels), for every forty (over 120), one 'bint

laboon' is to be paid, and for every fifty camels (over 120) one 'hiqqah' is to be paid, and whoever has only four camels, does not have to pay any Zakaah unless he wishes to.

Zakaah on sheep

As for the Zakaah of grazing sheep; then from forty to one hundred and twenty, one has to pay one sheep as Zakaah. If there are between one hundred and twenty one and two hundred, it is required

to pay two sheep.. And If there are between two hundred and one and three hundred, one must pay three sheep., and If there are more than three hundred; then for every hundred above this (300), another

sheep must be paid. If a man's flock is less than forty sheep there is no Zakaah on them unless the owner wishes.

2. Sheep

• 40 - 100 sheep – pay 1 sheep as zakaah

• 121 – 200 sheep – 2 sheep

• 201-300 sheep – 3 sheep

• More than 300 (for every 100 over 300) - 1 sheep

• Less than 40 sheep – no sheep unless owner wishes

It is not permissible for one to combine different groups, nor divide flocks of one type, to avoid paying Zakaah on them. If the animals are co-owned, then the owners should pay the Zakaah collectively.

-It is not permissible to pay in Zakaah an animal that has reached old age or is defective.

- And for silver the 'nisaa'b is two-hundred Dirhams, of which one fortieth (is to be given). If the amount is only one hundred and ninety Dirhams, nothing is owed unless the owner wishes.

Whoever has to pay in Zakah a four-year old she-camel but does not possess one, and instead has a three-year old she- camel; then that would be acceptable, but he should add to that two sheep if he is

able, and if not, he should add twenty Dirhams. Whoever owes in Zakah a three-year old she-camel but does not possess it, but instead has a four-year old, that would be accepted from him and in in return, the Zakah collector should give him twenty Dirhams or two sheep.” [alBukhari]

[214] And in the Hadith of Mu’aadh (may Allah be pleased with him) it states that: “The Prophet (r) commanded him to take from every thirty cows a one-year old calf, male or female, and from every forty

(cows)a two-year old she-calf.” [Ahl As-Sunan]

3. Cows

• For every 30 cows – a 1yr old calf (male or female)

• For every 40 cows – a 2yr old she calf

[215] For the Zakaah on treasure, then we have already mentioned that none is payable until the amount reaches the equivalent of 200 Dirhams, in which case a fortieth is payable.

• The Nisaab for treasure – 200 dirhams

• The Nisaab of Gold is 20 Dinaar's (85 grams of gold)

• The Nisaab of Silver is 200 Dirhams (595 grams of silver)

• Money has taken the place of gold and silver thus the nisaab of financial wealth is either 20 Dinaar's or 200 Dirhams

• Sh. Sajid explains:

The lower value should be used, as this is more beneficial to the poor.

The general rule in Zakaah is that the action most beneficial to the poor must be performed.

That is why the value of silver is normally concentrated upon, because it is generally lower in value than gold.

However if we are ever to have a scenario where gold was lower in value than silver, then the value of gold would be considered. And Allah knows best.

[216] As for the Zakaah that is payable on what comes out from the ground, whether grain or crops, the Prophet (r) said: “There is no Zakaah payable on less than five Wasqs of dates.” [Agreed Upon]

One Wasq is equivalent to 60 Saa’s. Thus, the Nisaab for grain and fruit is 300 Saa’s of the Prophet(s)

(Note: A 'wasq' and 'saa' are types of measurements. A 'saa' is approximately 3264 grams in weight)

• Nisab for grain and fruits – 300 saa’s , 1 saa = 3264 grams, 300 x 3264 = 979,200 grams

[217] Also, the Prophet(s): “There is a tenth on land watered by the sky or springs or running springs. There is a twentieth (5%) on land watered through irrigation.” [al-Bukhari]

[218] Sahl ibn Abu Huthman (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (r) ordered us: ‘Harvest all but a third; if you cannot leave a third, then leave a quarter.’” [Ahl As-Sunan]

Questions and Answers

1. Is it permissible to wipe over socks with small holes? We say, yes its permissible

2. Does salatul janaza have 1 or 2 tasleems? Some hadith say 1, some say 2, we are of the opinion that it is one tasleem. Not a major point of difference.

3. Where to place the hands in qunoot? Hand should be risen – like when they are making dua

4. The issue of a person who is chewing gum in salah– does this invalidate the salah? If the taste the gum and goes down one throat , salah is invalidated, but if it does not go down the throat, salah is ok. However this is disliked

5. What if you are late and join the jama in ruku – if u are in doubt that the imam stood up, then complete the unit after the imam completes the prayer.

6. Can you perform salatul janaza if the dead person is not in your presence? The P(s) never prayed this salah except for Najashi, because no one did that (perform salatul Janaza) in his country. Another reason why his janaza was done was because of his strong support for Islam.

7. For sajda tilaawa – do you say the takbeer or not? If you are in the salah, you do the takbeer before making sujood at tilaawa. However, if you are not in the salah, you do not say the takbeer before sujood. The Hadith of Abi dawood is weak, so the preferred view is not to say takbeer out of salah

8. Is it permissible to hold the Quran in salah? This is not allowed in obligatory prayers, but allowed in voluntary salah because Aisha(r) did it. The preferred view is to do it. The Hanafee madhab says it is not allowed, but this is not the correct view.

9. The tahiyyatul masjid for haram (Makkah), is it tawaf or salah? As for it being tawaf – this hadith is weak. The general hadith mentioning that we should pray two units when you enter the masjid before sitting down encompasses all masjids including the Haram, so pray the two units.

10. When you say salaam to dead person – can he hear you? Yes, if you are near his grave. However In regards to the P (s), he can hear your salaam from wherever you are.

11. Utensils made with bone china are made from animal bones. Is it allowed to use such utensils? If it was from bones of animals that are allowed to eat from and the animal was sacrificed, then it is ok. But if the bones were from a haram animal, and/or the animal was not sacrificed – it is not allowed to use it.

12. Does the salah of eclipse remove the obligatory salah? No, it is an independent salah. If the eclipse coincides with the obligatory salah, first render the obligatory prayer, then the salah of eclipse. It does not take the place of obligatory salah.

Zakaah on Merchandise

[219] As for merchandise; then this is defined as all that which is used in buying and selling for a profit.

• Merchandise are those goods that we intend to sell

[220] zakaah is due on all such goods at the end of a specified duration.

• You have to pay zakaah on merchandise if a complete lunar year has passed

• Start calculate year from the time when you intend to sell the goods and not on the time you own the goods.

• During that time if you change the goods - sell the goods for cash and buy more goods, this does not break your initial (zakaah) timeline

[221]The Zakaah on this should be a fortieth of the highest price estimate of such goods, for the benefit of the poor, payable in gold or silver.

• how we work it out for zakaah on merchandise? You need to know the market value of goods then divide by 40, so if the market value of your goods is 40,000 riyals then divide by 40 = 1000 riyals

[222] No Zakaah is payable for whoever is in debt or whoever has loaned out wealth with no hope of a near return, for example one who has loaned it to a person who is known to delay in repayment, or to a

poor person who is unable to easily repay and has not fixed a time for repayment.

• Does debt prevent you from paying zakah? If person is not poor and he can pay his debt, then zakah is compulsory , but if he is poor and can’t pay his debt then zakaah is not wajib on him

• For example, you lent out money to a person who is known as not to pay back, then when you calculate your zakaah do not include the amount you lent him.

• Obviously if the person is poor and is in debt and can’t pay back his debt, then zakaah is not wajib on him

• However, if the mumatil (the one who delays in paying), pays you - when the money comes back to you – you pay 2.5 %

• Zakaah is waajib on a person if they are in debt, but able to pay it, and only delay payment for no valid reason.

- [223] However, if the person has fixed a time for repayment, then Zakaah is payable.

• If you lent money to person who can pay you back on time, then when you calculate your zakaah you include that amount that you lent him.

[224] Zakah is to be taken from the median wealth of the person and if he gives it from

[225] the most inferior (in value) of it, then it will not be rewarded. He need not give from the

[226] most superior of it but may do so if he wishes.

[227] Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that: “There is a fifth (payable) upon buried treasure.” [Agreed Upon]

Chapter: Zakah al-Fitr

[228] Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) related that: “The Prophet(s) prescribed the payment of Zakah al-Fitr as one Saa' of dates or one Saa' of barley for every slave and freeman, whether male and female, young old, among the Muslims and ordered that it be paid before the people go out to the Eid Prayer..” [Agreed Upon]

• Wisdom behind the zakaah ul fitr

• Zakatul fitr – Allah kept you in existence for the period of the year,

• cleanse yourself from mistakes you may have committed in Ramadaan – idle talk, misuse of tongue, etc

• Give opportunity to poor to participate in Eid,

[229] This is an obligation upon

[1] oneself and those under his care if

[2] they have in excess of what would suffice themselves for the day and night of ‘Eed.

[3] The amount to be given is a Saa’ of dates, or barley, or dry cottage cheese, or raisins, or bran, and

• A saa’ of 5 things mentioned above, should be given

• Ulama differ as to what we can give out, can we give other that the 5 things mentioned?

• 1st view – only the 5 things (dates, barley, dry cottage cheese, raisins, or bran)

• 2nd view – give the staple diet of the country you are living in (i.e. rice)

• 3rd view – give equivalent in cash

• The preferred view is the 2nd view because this will do justice to the need of the poor person

[230] the most preferable is that which is the most beneficial (to the recipient).

[231] It is not permissible to delay giving it beyond the day of ‘Eid.

• It should be given on Eid day, or 1 or 2 days before Eid

[232] The Prophet ( ) prescribed this as a means of purification for the one who observed Ramadhaan from the evil and shameful talk (that may have occurred), and to feed the poor. It is acceptable if given before the Salaah (of ‘Eid), and if given later, is only counts as a simple act of charity. [Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah]

[233] The Prophet I said: “Allah will give seven (persons) protection with His shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His. (i.e., on the Day of Judgment, and they are): a just ruler, a youth who grew up worshipping Allah; a person whose heart is attached to the mosques; two persons who love each other, meeting and parting for the sake of Allah; a man whom a beautiful high-society woman seduces (for an illicit relation), but he (rejects this offer by saying): ‘I fear Allah’; a

person who gives charity and conceals it (to such an extent) that his right hand would not know what the left has given; and a person who remembers Allah in privacy and his eyes therefore shed tears.” [Agreed Upon]

• Voluntary charity has an important place in our deen

• From the 7 who will be shaded – that his right hand would not know what the left has given

Chapter: Recipients of Zakaah

[234] Zakaah is not to be paid except to the eight categories of people mentioned by Allah in his statement: {Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for

those in debt and for the cause of Allah and the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.} [at-Tawbah: 9:60]

Eight categories of zakaah:

1. Poor

2. Needy

3. Administrator of zakaah

4. Bring hearts together – those who you hope will accept Islam

5. Freeing slaves

6. Those in debt

7. Fisabililah – for the cause of Allah

8. Stranded Traveller

[235] It is permissible to give it to a single person from one of these categories as the Prophet (r) said to Mu’adh (may Allah be pleased with him): “...And if they accept it [the obligation of Salaah], then

teach them that Allah has made Zakaah obligatory for them – that it should be collected from the wealthy and distributed among the poor…” [Agreed Upon]

[236] Zakaah is not to be given to:

[1] - The wealthy

[2]- Those who have the ability to earn

[3] - The family of Muhammad (s), who are the Banu Hashim and their clients.

[4] - Someone upon whom it is obligatory to provide for

[5] - A disbeliever

[237] As for Sadaqah (superogatory charity), then it may be given to these people as well as other than them.

[238] However, it is advisable to give it in a manner and path that will cause it to be a means of complete benefit.

• You can increase your rewards by the avenue u use to give out zakaah. The avenue that needs your zakaah the most – determine you getting more reward, so if a category of people are in serious need of zakaah – and you give to them, you get an increase in reward

• Spend on the poor in your family that is in need of zakaah, the rewards will be even greater

[239] The Prophet (r) said: “He who begs from the wealth of others to increase his own is in fact only asking for burning coal, so let him stop asking or increase (his punishment).” [Muslim]

[240] Also, he (s) said to ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him): “Take out of this wealth that which comes to you without you asking for it, otherwise, do not let your heart long for it.” [Muslim]

Who are those relatives you are allowed/not allowed to give your zakaah to:

(this information is not in your books)

1. Not allowed to give zakaah to a person that you will inherit from in the event of their death, because it is not allowed for the money to come back to you.

2. You can give zakaah to relatives that you will not inherit from after their death

3. Example to this; a person has 2 brothers and no father. One brother has children, the other no children. You can give your zakaah to brother with children, because if the brother with kids dies – his sons will inherit.

4. However it is not allowed to give zakaah to the other brother without kids. Why? Because if he dies, you will inherit from him. It is not allowed for the zakaah money to come back to you (in the form of inheritance)

• Father and son blocks the brother from getting inheritance
Just 2.5,thats it

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