[241] The principle here is the statement of Allah:
{O you who believe, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you…} [al-Baqarah: 2:183-187]
• It is well-know that we have been obligated to fast the month of Ramadaan based on the ayah, {The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'ân, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the Criterion (between right and wrong). So, whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan, i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month…} [Al-Baqarah 2:185]
Starting the Month of Ramadaan
• Start fasting by one of 2 events:
1. when we see the hilaal (crescent)
2. complete Shaabaan as 30 days
• How can the hilaal be sighted? It may be with the naked eye or by using instruments – binoculars etc.
If the hilaal is seen in one country is it obligatory for everyone in other countries to fast based on this sighting?
There is difference in this issue; it is an old difference of opinion.
There is no solid evidence that supports one view over the next.
We are of the view that if the hilaal is sighted in one country then everyone in the world should fast.
However, other `Ulamaa’ differ with this view and it is not a problem to follow their view.
This should not be a point of disunity amongst the Muslims.
However, the whole country should start on the same day to avoid disunity within the country.
If different countries start on different days this is not considered disunity.
What does a Muslim do with regard to fasting?
1. In a Muslim country one should fast when everyone else in the country fasts as Rasoolullaah _ said, “Fasting is when everyone else fasts.”
2. A Muslim in a non-Muslim country – upon each and every one of them to follow the Islaamic center where they perform salaah – the center should have a methodology for sighting the moon and conveying the information to the Muslims there.
Goal of fasting to gain taqwa |
[242] Fasting is obligatory upon every
[1] - Muslim, who is
[2] - Adult
[3] - Sane
[4] - Able to fast
[5] And is done upon sighting the crescent or the completion of thirty days of the month of Sha’ban. The Prophet (r): “Whenever you sight the new moon (of the month of Ramadhan) observe fast, and when you sight it (the new moon of Shawwal) break it, and if the sky is cloudy, then complete it.” [Agreed Upon]
In another narration of this, there is the wording: “…then complete thirty days of Sha’ban.” [al-Bukhari]
[243] Fasting can begin due to the sighting (of the crescent) by one reliable man, but for all other months, two witnesses are required.
[244] For the obligatory fast, prior intention is obligatory, but for the
• Must have clear intention to fast the night before the fast in Ramadan
• In Arabic it is called tabyeet an-niyyah and it refers to having a clear intention from the night before the fasting actually starts
[245] superogatory one, it is permissible to make the intention during the day of fasting itself.
[246] Those who are sick and would be harmed by fasting and those who are travelling have the choice of whether to fast or not.
[247] It is forbidden for menstruating women as well as those in postpartum bleeding to fast, however they should make up any missed fasting at a later date.
[248] If a pregnant or nursing women fears harm for their child (because of fasting), they should not do so and must make up for any missed days as well as feeding a poor person for every day missed.
[249] Those unable to fast due to old age or because of a sickness of which there is no; should feed a poor person for every missed day.
Who is obligated to fast and who is exempt
• Compulsory upon an upright, healthy Muslim – one able to fast. [242]
• Exceptions fall into 3 categories - one who does not fast and: [see 246 – 249]
1. Must feed the poor for each day missed but not make up the fast after Ramadaan. Includes ‘unable elderly’, those with long-term/terminal sickness for which there is no cure.
2. Must make up fast for each day missed but not feed the poor – traveler, woman in menses, sick person (temporary illness)
3. Must fast and feed the poor for each day missed – pregnant woman and breastfeeding mother who fears for the life of the fetus/child
[250] Whoever breaks his fast needs to offer a single (day’s) expiation only, regardless of whether it is due to eating, drinking, intentional vomiting, cupping or by ejaculation due to foreplay.
When is the fast invalidated?
• The fast is considered nullified when food, drink, or what one feeds with goes down the throat.
• If one puts a thing in his mouth but does not swallow it, the fast is not considered as broken, but if it reaches the throat then the fast is invalidated.
[251] However, he who breaks his fast through sexual intercourse must make up for that day and free a slave, and if he is unable to do so then he must fast sixty consecutive days, and if he is unable to do that, then he should feed sixty poor persons.
Kaffaarah for breaking the fast
This is a point of difference.
The kaffaarah is of 2 types:
1. Major Kaffaarah - Al-Kaffaarah al-mugalladah – the more severe penalty - fasting 2 consecutive months if one is unable to free a slave
• Imaam Ahmad and Imaam ash-Shafi`ee say that one is penalized with this kaffaarah for having intercourse during the day of Ramadaan. This type of penalty does not apply if the fast is broken with food or drink.
• Imaam Maalik and Imaam Abu Haneefah say that this kaffaarah is for anyone who breaks his fast in Ramadaan without a valid excuse – whether due to marital relations or even eating/drinking
2. Minor Kaffaarah
[252] The Prophet (r) said: “Whoever eats or drinks forgetfully should continue and complete his fast for it was Allah that fed him or gave him water.” [Agreed Upon]
• Imaam Maalik says that the fast of one who eats/drinks unintentionally is invalid.
• Preferred view is that of the majority – that the fast is still valid based on the hadeeth in pt. 252.
Recommended acts when fasting
[253] And also: “People will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten to break their fast.” [Agreed Upon]
[254] And also: “Eat the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal), for in it is a blessing.” [Agreed Upon]
[255] And also: “When any of you breaks his fast, let him do so with dates, and if he does not find them, then with water, as it is a purifier.” [The ‘Five’]
Recommended acts when fasting
1. Part-taking of suhoor (pre-dawn meal)
2. Break fast immediately when time comes in
3. Break fast with dates
Goal for Fasting
[256] And also: “Allah does not need the fast of one who does not abandon false speech or acting according to his false speech.” [al-Bukhari]
The goal of the Sharee`ah is to have the opportunity to attain taqwaa. If one indulges in false speech etc. it will prevent them from attaining taqwaa
[257] And also: “The heirs should fast on behalf of those who died owing fasts” [Agreed Upon]
Recommended days to fast:
• Mondays, Thursdays
• 13th, 14th, and 15th of the Islamic month
• 6 days in Shawwal,
• Aashooraa,
• Day of `Arafah
Prohibited days to fast
• 2 days of `Eed,
• Days of Tashreeq i.e. 11-13th Dhul HIjjah,
• Day of Jumu`ah
[258] The Prophet (r) was asked about superogatory fasting on the day of ‘Arafah and he replied: “It is an expiation for (the sins) of the past year and the coming year.”
[259] He (s) was also asked about superogatory fasting on the day of ‘Ashura’, and he replied: “It is an expiation for (the sins of) the past year.”
[260] He (s) was also asked about superogatory fasting on Mondays and he replied: “That was the day I was born, and the day I was commissioned with Prophethood, and day I first received revelation.” [Muslim]
[261] The Prophet (r): “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhan and then follows up with six fasts in the month of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts perpetually.” [Muslim]
[262] Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (r) commanded us to fast three days of every month: the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth.” [An-Nasa’i, At-Tirmithi]
[263] Also, he (s) forbade fasting on two days: “The day of (‘Eed) al- Fitr and the day of Nahr (i.e., ‘Eed al-Adh’ha).” [Agreed Upon]
[264 ]He (s) said: “The days of Tashriq (in Hajj) are days of eating, drinking and remembering Allah the Glorious.” [Muslim]
[265] He (s) also said: “None of you should fast on a Friday unless he intends to also fast the day before it or the day after it.” [Agreed Upon]
[266] He (s) also said: “All the past sins are forgiven for whoever fasts Ramadhan faithfully and with the hope of reward. All thepast sins are forgiven for whoever stands in prayer on the Night of Decree faithfully and with the hope of reward.” [Agreed Upon]
• I`tikaaf – staying in the masjid whilst worshipping Allaah _ and gaining closeness to Him _.
• It is not from the condition of i`tikaaf that one is fasting.
• It can be done for a short period e.g. between Dhuhr and `Asr.
• It is upon one in i`tikaaf to gain closeness to Allaah _ by doing as many acts of `ibaadah as can be performed.
[268] The Prophet _ said: “One should not undertake a religious journey except to three mosques: al-Masjid alharam (in Makkah), this mosque of mine (in al-Madinah), and the Farthest Mosque (in Jerusalem).” [Agreed Upon]
This means that one should not intend to visit a specific place except the 3 mentioned in the hadeeth.
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