
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Categories of understanding Shariah

Categories of understanding Shariah

Fiqh is an Arabic word which means to understand .This is the Islamic concept of Islamic science of jurisprudence.Fiqh referred to comprehensive of the subsidiary Shriah ruling along with the specific evidence which substantiate them. These evidences can be from Quran and sunnah, Ijma(scholarly consensus) and valid forms of analogy.
Difference between Fiqhi &Haafidh:
Fiqhi: is who, who gives ruling with understanding .He understand the situation and gives the ruling .
Hafidh: memorize without understanding.

2) Shariah: Ahkaam Shrariah or Islamic ruling  are five :
*      . Ahkaam taklifia(defining law)
*      Ahkaam Al-wadiya(secondary or declaratory laws)

*       Ahkaam taklifia(defining law):
Above five are also called Ahkaam Taklifia.Ahkaam means ruling and takleefia refers to whom communication is made in the form of the demand or option e.g. Allah says Aqeemo- wassalah and zakkah that is command and demand  ,we have to do or we have option like Mandoob,Masnóon 
·         Wajib
·         Mandoob
·         Mubaah
·         Makrooh
·         Haraam

o   Wajib:
                      This is obligatory to act, it is binding demand .It is obligatory on the Mukkalf ( a       believer who reaches puberty and has sound understanding).
They must apply Shraiah ruling meaning if they will not apply and act Shraiah ruling with is ordered and commanded by Allah (swt) then they are punishable. And if believers act upon  commands of Allah  (swt),then they are rewarded in this world and Aakhra. For example, we have five daily prayers, fasting in month of Ramadan, paying zakkah and going Hajj.

o   Mandoob (masnoon or Sunnah): It is recommended as demand from law giver which ask Mukkalaf to do and this is not binding. For example: Superogatory prayers (nafal prayers), sunnah which are not fardh,Sadaqa(voluntary charity),visiting sick etc.
If you comply mandoo,sunnah, masnon you will be rewarded in this world and Akhra and if you don’t comply it doesnot fall you in the limits of punishment.Simply,if you do ,you will be rewarded and if you leave you will not be punished.

o   Mubbaah(permissible):

It is permissible which means if you do or leave no problem eating,Qaloola(sshort sleep in noon)

o   Makrooh(Disliked):

It is disliked b Allah (swt), for example, law giver demand from Mukkalaf (Muslim or believers) to avoid something but not binding on you. If someone does Makrooh but she /he is not liable of punishment. If person Makrooh then he is liable of rewards. For example, eating unpleasant food which is makrooh because it spoils your health.

o   Haraam:
 It is binding law by law giver on the believer in respect to abandon something. There is demand to void something is binding, no choice has been given to adopt another option e.g zina is haraam then it is haraam, no choice is in it.

*   Ahkaam Al-wadiya(secondary or declaratory laws):

·         Sharat(condition)
·         Maan’(Hinderance)
·         Saheeh(correct)
·         Fasid(incorrect)

o   Sharat(condition):
condition is made to make actions correct taking out incorrect things.something that hastobe existed before envoking of the related action.It means sharat refers to aspect which must take place  or exist before invoking of the related item.Forexample,salah is waajib  and for making salah some conditions has to be made like wudu(ablution).

Widu is the state of ritual cleanessness to make salah correct.If does not have wudu then salah will not be correct.Another example is  for stealing condition is to cut hand on the required amount  .If condition does not match or meet  then cutting hands are not wajib.for zakkah condition is lenth of year  when person must have amount then zakkah is wajib.

o   Maan’:Hinderances,prevention:
If maan’ is present then rulling is absent because it nullifies because it dictate the hinderance.For example, salah is wajib on women but  during mensis  salah is not wajib on women because  of preventing factor which lift  rulling .Therefore ,we say,its presence neccessiated the absence of rulling.It means presence of mensis  necessitated the absence of rulling of salah as wajib.
Another example we can see in case of Shubah(dounbt) where there is doubt e.g if some steals money but there is doubt that who has stolen the amount wether father or son (who is liable for the punishment to cut the hands) and in this way this matter falls into the catogry of shubah meaning presence of doubt and having doubt in particular case known as a hinderance(maan’).So person s hands will nt be cut as situation is doubtful that who has stolen the money wether father or son.

o   Saheeh(correct):
Saheeh means  correct or valid,forexample if someone say I rendered sallah with wudu .then we say is salah met with all conditions without hindrances then salah is correct. Incase, any women say I rendered wudu and performed salah but was in  mensis or without wudu then her salah is fasid (incorrect).

               For saheeh action all conditions should  be present  and all hinderances will be absent then action is               saheeh.In the saheeh action you reap the fruits of actions(rewards).

o   Faasid(incorredt or null):
Opposite of saheeh .It means action is null and avoidable meaning the act of worship you did is incorrect not deserve for rewards because your action was not correct.
              For example salah without wudu or any sharat is misplaced or additional thing is added.
             Fasid and saheeh has contradictory relationship.

Ruling on the seeking of knowledge:

Waajibul aa’n:
means compulsory over every muslim.Forexample zakkah

Fardh Kafaaya:
 Not obligatory on all Muslims but few muslim has knowledge which lift obligation from the rest of the society.

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